When you own one of the homes in Sherburne County, you might be interested to learn about what makes your house more or less expensive than any other house of a similar age and with similar square footage. While there are certain topics that we always talk about regarding the value of a house, such as whether or not the kitchen is updated, there are a couple of factors that significantly affect house value that you might never think about.

Closeness to Major Brand Coffee Shops

Going to Starbucks is a part of many people's daily routines. Consequently, the value of homes located within a quarter-mile of a Starbucks increases in value to a greater extent than those located farther away from this staple coffee house. And this trend extends to some other major coffee shops, including the east coast favorite, Dunkin' Donuts.

Quirky Favorites

Anyone who has been house shopping recently has probably noticed that there are some details that are particularly trendy, and they can help sell a house more quickly. For instance, barn doors repurposed into sliding doors inside the house can help a house sell that much more quickly. Another popular detail is the farmhouse sink, which can help a house sell more quickly when it's in the listing. Houses will usually sell for a greater price, too.

Blue Walls Inside

People always talk about how you should paint your house neutral colors so that you don't offend anyone with outrageous color options. But it turns out that this isn't really true. Houses that have kitchens and bathrooms with blue walls tend to go for more money. In fact, houses with blue kitchens can sell for about $1,000 more, and houses with blue bathrooms can sell for about $5,000 more. Beyond being a soothing color that puts most people's minds at rest, blue can also signal to people that the house is taken care of and clean. But the shade should be a light blue to light periwinkle, so leave navy and other dark shades at the paint store.

Proximity to a City

Living in a city is expensive, especially when it comes to the price that you pay for housing. The reason that it's so expensive is that people don't want to commute an hour or more every day for work. The city life also offers a lot of attractions, such as events, shopping, and more. But even if a house is on the outskirts of a major city, it's still going to be more expensive than a home that's several miles outside of the city.

When you're wondering what is your home's value, talking to a good realtor can make your life easier because they'll be able to give you a better idea of what you can expect to get for the sale of your house. Calculating the market value of a house involves taking into account several factors, and a realtor can help you figure out your home value.