Working from home is hardly a new concept, but as the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated, the ability to work remotely can actually be beneficial in many ways. Today’s technology tools make it easy to connect with coworkers and still collaborate while working remotely, and many work-from-home professionals find the semi-relaxed atmosphere of a home office to be more conducive to productivity.

This is true in Sherburne County as well as around the country. Sherburne residents find that following a few simple tips can make the work-from-home experience fun and more efficient. Below are five suggestions gathered from work-from-home professionals:

1. Follow a Routine

When you work in an office environment, your day is usually governed by the time clock; however, working from home may allow additional flexibility in your schedule. While it may be tempting to relax your punctuality without a boss breathing down your neck, one of the top tips for working from home is to maintain a regular schedule. A regular schedule will help you to stay on task as it will provide you with the ability to document your time spent working and it will keep your workday organized.

2. Minimize Distractions

By and large, social media is cited as one of the biggest distractions facing remote workers. Checking a few feeds here and there may sound harmless, but before you know it, you’ve spent 30 minutes scrolling through your friends’ pictures and updates without getting any work done.

To combat this, you need discipline, but you might also consider letting friends and family know that when you’re at work, you’re at work. This means you won’t be available on any messenger apps and services during specific times throughout the day.

3. Set Up a Home Office

Another potential productivity drain when working from home is setting up your workstation in a place that isn’t conducive to getting things done. Yes, you may think that you’ll be more comfortable working in your underwear from your couch, but will this setup really encourage professional work habits?

Instead of simply opening your laptop or device anywhere and calling it your home office, really think about spaces in your home that will help you get and stay in the mood to work at your best. Try to find a quiet place that’s free from distractions, but also remember that you’ll want a neutral background when taking part in video calls.

4. Dress For Success

Setting up a dedicated home office space can help you feel ready to work, but you also need to think about dressing for success. As stated, you may be able to work in your underwear on the couch, but you’re far more likely to be productive when you begin each day just as you would if you were working in a professional office environment. Consider getting dressed professionally before logging in each day to help yourself stay motivated. When you look good, you feel good, and this can translate into you putting in your best work.

5. Ask For Help

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed by the work-from-home experience. Many people find that working from home requires a big adjustment period when coming from a traditional office environment. If you’re having a hard time adjusting, contact your supervisor or your HR department to let someone know what’s going on. You may be surprised at just how understanding and accommodating everyone can be as you’re certainly not alone.