Real estate agents all around the country know that spring is the peak season for selling a home, with summer coming in at a close second. However, real estate doesn’t have an “off season” and there are times when clients need to sell their home during the fall.

If you’re considering sell your house and don’t want to wait until fall and winter are over, there are a few things you should know regarding selling in the fall.

What Is the Fall Market Like?

Much like any type of sales position, selling real estate is all about knowing your market. It’s very true that there are more buyers in the spring and summer, which puts sellers in more of a position of power. However, if you’re in a position where you need or want to sell your home during the fall, that means there are probably people who need or want to buy a home in the fall.

The benefit of selling a house in “off peak” season is that you will encounter more serious buyers. Spring and summer brings out plenty of people who just want to look around and check out some open houses. While you may not get as many inquiries about your property, the ones you get will probably be from people who are more ready to buy.

Move Quickly

Again, real estate transactions happen 12 months per year, but they get even slower when you get deep into November, December, and January. That means that if you’re going to sell your property during the fall, you need to move quickly.

Have professional photographs taken as quickly as possible, as the natural lighting and beautiful scenery will make a difference in how potential buyers view your home online. Contact an agent who has a proven track record of successfully selling properties early on so he or she can begin marketing your home before holiday travel begins and potentially bad weather arrives.

Price Accordingly

Unless there is some sort of housing boom in your area, you are going to be selling in a market that favors the buyers. While you may have multiple buyers engage in a bidding war over your home during warmer months, the odds of that happening in the fall is significantly lower. The principle of supply and demand applies to the real estate market as much as it does everything else.

This is one area that your real estate agent will be able to help you in significantly. Your agent will be able to help you find a price point that will take your property’s condition into consideration along with the time of year that you’re trying to sell in. Your property probably won’t sell for as much as it would in the spring, but your agent should reach a number that works for everyone involved.

Don’t Believe the Lies

Selling in the fall is difficult, but in most cases, selling a home anytime is a tedious process. Don’t lose hope and become discouraged before you even check out your chances of a successful transaction.

It has long been said that the majority of buyers are shopping to fit their children’s school schedule. However, studies indicate that more than 50% of home buyers don’t even have children under the age of 18 living in the home.

Naysayers also point to bad weather, earlier sunsets, and a host of other detractions to say that selling a home outside of peak season is doomed to fail. Early in the fall, it is still daylight later in the evenings which means that you’re home can be shown in the evenings and on weekends. And while weather may make showings harder to schedule, it doesn’t make them impossible.

If you’re determined to sell your house, you can find an agent who is eager to work with you to make your dreams a reality.